Qualified persons are invited to view the terms of reference and complete the online application for the following position: Procurement Officer Visit our Vacancies Page to apply now
Contract for Service
Qualified persons are invited to view the terms of reference and complete the online application for the following position: Primary Care Dietitian Visit our Vacancies Page to apply now
Contract for Service
Qualified persons are invited to view the terms of reference and complete the online application for the following position: Emergency Medical Technician (On Call) Visit our Vacancies Page to apply now
Emergency Medical Technician (On Call)
Emergency Medical Technician (On Call) Click here to Apply Now
Tender Notice
The Eastern Regional Health Authority invites Tenders for the following: Visit our Tender Notices page for details.
Join Our Team
Qualified persons are invited to view the job description and complete the online application for the following positions: Manager-Mental Health Services Specialist Medical Officer (Mental Health) Specialist Primary Care Physician II-Mental Health Psychologist Mental Health Officer I Psychiatric Social Worker […]